Pengalaman Investor
Kami mewawancarai beberapa investor mengenai pengalaman mereka berinvestasi di Indonesia secara umum dan berikut beberapa pengalaman mereka
In general, we are looking for an investment climate with less complexity in law, legal certainty, as well as coordination and collaboration among government institutions and bodies.
Evie Yulin
President Director

PT. Merck Tbk
Indonesia has a huge market and an abundance of resources: natural resources, mineral resources, and human resources.
Jan Ronnfeld
Managing Director

Perkumpulan Ekonomi Indonesia Jerman
BASF has been investing in Indonesia for 45 years. Indonesia has important qualities for business to thrive, such as a dynamic market, fast-developing customer needs, and overall energy and optimism that propels the country forward.
Political stability and economic growth are deeply interconnected. Second, as I have mentioned before, consistent on-the-ground implementation of policies would be instrumental in ensuring businesses can benefit from the incentives and fast facilities the government is offering. And third, we also hope the government is placing great care and attention on existing long-term investors.
Agus Ciputra
President Director

Industri / Kimia Dasar
PT BASF Indonesia
Reforms such as the recent Omnibus Law for sure help to strengthen the Indonesian economy by increasing productivity, competitiveness, and ease of doing business, while at the same time reducing excessive bureaucracy.
I think the team at BKPM, Mr. Bahlil and the team, have coordinated quite well and interacted very closely with us as appropriate. We look forward to continuing in the same manner.
Prakash Chandran
President Director and CEO

PT Siemens Indonesia
Hanya perlu waktu 3 jam untuk menyelesaikan perizinan, inovasi yang sangat mengejutkan. Indonesia telah naik beberapa tingkatan ke level negara maju.
Lee Joon

Sektor lainnya
PT CJ Korea Express Logistics Indonesia
Sangat bagus sekali. Selama saya berusaha di Indonesia 30 tahun lebih, inilah yang terbaik.
Halim Mina

Pembangunan Kawasan Industri
Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park
Kami sangat senang dengan perubahan dan efektifitas layanan BKPM. Layanan tersebut telah mencegah kami dari masalah perizinan dan tentunya menciptakan iklim investasi yang lebih baik untuk masa depan.
Zhai Zhaoyang
Deputy General Manager

Infrastruktur / Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik
PT Shenhua Guohua Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
BKPM telah sangat membantu sebagai koordinator yang mempertemukan kami dengan instansi-instansi yang berhubungan dengan pembebasan lahan sehingga masalah pembebasan lahan tersebut dapat kami selesaikan dengan baik.
Mohammad Effendi
Presiden Direktur

Infrastruktur / Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik
PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia